The Seven

  • Brand naming
  • Copy for design
  • Copy for web
  • Tone of Voice

Naming, web copy and brochure copy.

I love naming projects.

I love naming projects that turn into writing brochures.

And I really love naming projects that turn into writing brochures and websites.

When I first got my mitts on this refurb project (turning a dilapidated Georgian house into seven luxury flats), it was called 198 Brecknock Road.

Functional. A bit clunky. Not quite giving off ‘£900k for a 3-bed apartment’ vibes.

So my first job was to come up with a solid shortlist of names and rationales for my client, Graphicks. I covered everything from geography (Tufnell Villas, Montpelier View, The Junction…) to local history (Bayham House, Sark House, One Penny Terrace…) and community (Homestead, Circuit House, The Enclave…) to lifestyle (The Escape, Peacehaven, Manor House…).

This was a new client, so you can imagine how I felt when the first bit of feedback came in:

“I’ve just reviewed your naming document, I’m very impressed. You have presented a fantastic number but within the territories and with clear rationale so it doesn’t feel overwhelming. I also like how you presented the name within the address, and showed your favourites at the end. I think there’s been a strong use of history and place.”

We narrowed a long list of 60+ names down to a dozen or so, and fairly unusually for a naming project, the client made an immediate decision. ‘The Seven’ it was.

It felt special and different. We were all happy; client, design agency and me.

And the best bit, they were convinced enough to ask me to write the website and brochure.

I know that technically speaking it’s work, but I had a load of fun digging into the local history and amenities on offer. Here are a few snippets:

Camden market

Since 1974, Camden Market has been putting smiles on faces, T-shirts on backs and incense smoke up nostrils. There are four main markets, and huddles of makers and sellers in courtyards and side streets. This is the largest market in London, with over 1,000 shops, stalls, bars & cafés to lose yourself in. So eat, drink, dance and go full-on-vintage-alt-vegan-punk-funk-retro-crazy.

Bull and Gate

Once hallowed ground on the local music scene (Blur, Coldplay, Nirvana and Oasis all played here), The Bull & Gate is now the pub-lover’s pub of legend. And talking of legends, you’ve just got to try their Sunday Roast, with its ‘Bottomless Yorkies’ and vegan options. If the lemon & thyme roast chicken doesn’t get you, the cider-braised pork belly probably will. You have been warned.

Parliament Hill Farmers Market

Fancy something a bit special? Something with less food miles on the clock? Parliament Hill Farmers Market ticks all the wholesome-goodness boxes.

Bring your hand-woven trug and load it with biodynamic eggs; free-range poultry; crumbly, buttery pies; fresh fruit and veg; organic meats, and artisan cheeses. Meet the growers and the makers, and have a sneaky, spicy sausage sarnie (there’s even a doggy crèche, so you won’t have to share).

There was one round of minor amends. And when I say minor:

“The client came back to say the copy looks great. The only edit was to the flat details, changing from 2 to 1 bed etc.”

The Account Director also wanted two headlines rewriting. And that was it. Done, dusted and a few weeks later, out in the real world in print and pixels. And the final testimonial went like this:

“We really enjoy working with Jonathan, he is responsive and has created some beautiful copy for us.”

Happy days.

For another project in a similar territory, check out this website copy job for Thornhill Shann