Bounce Back

  • Brand guidelines
  • Brand language
  • Brand positioning
  • Tone of Voice

Brand language development.

Bounce Back 'post social replenishment drink'

So. The impossible brief.

Bounce Back is a hangover cure for grown ups with responsibilities. But, for legal reasons (and this is taken directly from the creative brief), We can’t say hangover. We can’t refer to being drunk. Can’t link it to alcohol. Can’t say cure.’

Basically, I couldn’t use any of the words that I really wanted to, to get the message across.

This copywriting lark, eh!

Anyway, back to the beginning. I was approached by the MD of Glasgow-based design agency, Sevenfive; ‘I was given your details by Chris Miller…’ (Thanks Chris).

We had a natter, I was given the brief (to develop a brand language platform) and a couple of weeks later, it looked like we were heading in the right direction.

Here are a few snippets of my initial presentation:

Bounce Back – brand language platform

This is my favourite bit from the first round of client feedback:

‘We presented creative to the client and investors yesterday and everything went down really well. The only issue they had was with the use of ‘morning after’ which they thought sounded a bit too much like the pill. But other than that, all good.’

Then it all went quiet and the job was put on hold.

After almost three months, a new Marketing Director came on board. Thankfully, they liked 99.9% of the brand language work I’d already done and we were off again.

Following a couple of minor tweaks, I was asked to develop messaging and content for Bounce Back’s new ‘Brand Bible’.

And this is what the client finally bought into:

Bounce Back Brand Bible – The little can for a big night out
Bounce Back Brand Bible – Who we are
Bounce Back Brand Bible – What we stand for – changing perceptions…
Bounce Back Brand Bible – What we stand for – …and having fun
Bounce Back Brand Bible – You do the fun, we do the science

I was particularly chuffed that this naughty little line didn’t end up on the cutting room floor:

Bounce Back Brand Bible – Warning! This is not a hangover cure.

And this is what my client said:

“Your experience shone through, and your flexible approach helped provide insight and a range of copy that allowed us to develop a voice for the product. Looking forward to working with you again.”

For another slice of brand language development work, check this out for Allies Studio