Airborne Studio
- Copy for web
- Tone of Voice
Website copywriting

On April 23rd 2024, I sent a cold email to an agency I fancied working with.
It was a bit out there. Let’s just say, the subject line was ‘Bum Biscuits!’
I didn’t know them. They didn’t know me.
But something clicked, because a reply came back 5hrs 11mins later, and it went like this:
Hi Jonathan
Really enjoyed reading this email – I’d love to have a chat about potential work.
Are you free any time on Friday afternoon?
We had a natter and it seemed to go well. No promises, but two months later, this came in…
We’re currently working on our own brand and updated site and I wondered if you had a couple of days in the next week or two to try and bring some of our web copy to life?
Just a small project, but a rather nice one. And the brief was good and tight.
We’ve recently been through a branding exercise with one of our strategists which got us to a more cohesive place strategically… From this we have mapped out our new website wireframe and skeleton copy – getting the tone of voice working using this content as the focus is the goal…
So I lined up my shot and caught the keeper napping.

“But, so few words, Jonathan.”
True. But writing copy this snappy ain’t easy. Each of those tiny little words has to work its backside off.

We take our partners (we call them that, because that’s how we prefer to work) through the delicate process of change. You. Us. Team. Working as one.

Our teams work in sync, sharing ideas, aiming for the same goal – yours. Brand, design and technology; all pulling in the same direction to sharpen your business edge.

Our network of creative and tech talent means we can tackle projects of any size. And building the team to fit the brief gives you exactly what you need. No compromise.

There were tweaks to be made to my first draft, but feedback included lovely words, like:
Fantastic… Excited… It’s landing in a really good place… Really great work… and after a couple of minor fiddles, the all time classic, Please fire that invoice over and I’ll pay it right away.

A massive thanks to Luke at Airborne for trusting me with his baby.
For more website copywriting work, get your eyeholes over here – Dollop