How do I fund my absinthe habit?

  • Brand naming
  • Brand positioning
  • Brand language
  • Brand guidelines
  • Website copy
  • Brochure copy, blog posts, case studies…
  • Ad concepts and copy

Who do I work with?

  • Design agencies that need proper, grown-up copywriting support
  • Direct clients who needs proper, grown-up copywriting support

Whichever camp you fall into, you’ll also:

  • Want quality work, not box ticking
  • Trust me to do the right thing by the brand
  • Not want to cut uncomfortable corners
  • Understand that the best creative work takes time
  • Keep your side of the bargain
  • Be a decent human being

Have I worked with anyone you’ve heard of?

Whoever I work with gets the same love and sparkle. But, if I were in name-dropping mode, I might mention:

AIA Insurance, Animal Aid, Anthony Nolan, Audi, Build Africa, Café de Paris, Capita, Carlsberg, Charities Aid Foundation, Chefaro, Childreach International, Côtes du Rhône, Dairy Crest, DTI, Dubai Tourism, Ferrero, Flemings Asset Management, Friends of the Earth, GlaxoSmithKline, IBM, Institute of Fundraising, Intercontinental Hotels, Kinder Surprise, Land Registry, Lasalle Development Group, League Against Cruel Sports, Liberty Human Rights, L’Oreal, Lufthansa, Mastercard, MCM, Miro, Natwest, Nestlé, Ocean Spray, P&O Ferries, Robinsons Barley Water, Sandisk, Sekonda, Smirnoff, Spanish Government, Standard Life Aberdeen, Unilever, VW…

Then if I was in a real showy-offy mood, I’d probably bang on about some Design Agency clients like:

Airborne Studio, Allies, BBH Zag, BeColourful, Black Bug, Conran, Contagious, Copy or Die, Circus, Deadeye, Design Bridge, Designhouse, Designate, Dollop, Fiora, For Sure, Gasp!, Graphicks, (Hug) London, Optimism, Page & Page, Parker Design, PHA, Polar, Rabbit & Hare, Renowned, Saentys, See Think Do, SevenFive, SGK (Australia), ShopTalk, SixTwo, Space & Time, Strudel, We are Collider, Zest…

But I’m not. So I won’t.